Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Some figures for November

Fidburner now shows not only the number of subscribers, but it sredneesutochnoe number of readers (active subscribers). If attendance at the blog I have now ranges from 500 to 700, then another 300 to 500 articles in the reader browsing. Polyubopytstvuyte what your percentage of active subscribers - all. It will be interesting.

For the transitions. Twitter is a bit slowed down, lowered its stake to 3. 2% (0. 9k ) of all transitions. Suddenly a lot of hits gave Yandex, the traffic from it was almost twice that in October. And with blogoyandeksom went out and did a Amazing figure. 2k transitions. We should also say about the transitions from blogotopa Yandex - recorded 66 hits, so it looks like someone has. Twice pulled Mile, but Google is still the leader, passing the two. 5k visitors and holding two-thirds of the transitions from Search to your blog.

From blogs to unambiguously leads to transitions. Antikorporativ. But behind it are still in the top three blog. Seoshteyna. and. Maxnet. As I have received from the traffic of the lead again, Troy, followed by. Tammy. and. Spomoni.

As for the money, then I am more advertingu loses interest in me and more and more attracted to services. Kazapy Turnover grew by 50 % in October, for example. Travel agency retained earnings at the level of October, which allows timid hope for stability and profitability in the offseason. Web Studio also showed an increase. Managed to attract two new clients to promote and a website. In December, signing a contract with two. By the way, looking ankoropisatelya and continue to search for the programmer. Payment of piecework, work is a constant. Contact Irene ( Asya 157 880 625 ) about the interview and placement. In the minus only the rent, but there in late November, a sudden increase in demand.

using the soft. Sold 23 licenses. This is three times less than in October, promotional, but it is expected. The situation with neponyatki in earnings, and new themes just do not, delayed the software crisis is utterly. Accordingly, there is no reason, and to develop software. As a result, the market is saturated with unclaimed proposals.

Almost come to its finale ' Confessions zadroty '. For those who have not yet read, can do so by. link. or download. pdf. Remained the last chapter, which will be released today or tomorrow. I promise the ending will surprise. Then after some time start a new blogoserial, the canvas is thought over half a year ago, but first decided to work out a more simple form of memoir. The essence of the new story: a group of young people on their level of knowledge and skills restores fairness - how to understand themselves and. No fiction, all as close to reality - as it can allow a literary form. Who will come up with a name for this story, will be entitled to pervocherednoe reading the pilot episode - write in comments.

on. club. Number of posts exceeded 90tys. And so - for the 6. 5tys. The number of members has reached nearly 2000. Rolling in the head plans for version 3. 0 for the club, which will include more social and commercial services. But so far there is no time for that, no people, no funds. And put it bluntly - until broke.

on. kazape. The number of users in the system has exceeded 4. 5tys. , The number of outstanding options - for 33tys. , The number of projects - for 1600. About the turn I have already written - in the middle market is growing by 50 % in the month of December but I have plans for more modest - only expect 20-30 % growth. The stage is almost complete quantitative growth in the second half of November, finally went to the qualitative growth. This can be seen on the links, and project. As will be further - let's see.

troy ounce. caught in November 6tys. visitors. Since August, nearly doubled its audience of the journal. school. remains the same - 10-15 students per month, but November's unprecedented activity and different number of questions.

And I continue to collect applications. Award BR- 2010. Also invited to participate in the jury. Make your selection of the best.

Finish like a dream that would be no worse than in December and January is not such a failure, as usual. And the spring is not only encouraging, but bright. By the way, scientists dispel the Mayan calendar ends, and he was not in 2012, but already in 4700- what - it was. So the end of the world postponed.

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