Thursday, November 1, 2012

How to extract emails from websites? Website email extractor.

Just found out information about useful email extractor software which I recently found. It extracts email addresses from any site on Internet. In some cases you might not know sites you need to scan for emails but you know some keywords describing your customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the in application and click search inside email extractor.

All of them have emails. Some of them leave contact info such as emails addresses, phones on sites open. How to collect customer' email addresses from forums and blogs ? One of the ways is to search them in any search engine or let this work do to email extractor which automates the process. Email extractor application is a great choice when you want to contact people and let them know about your new service or product.

Email extractor may take out emails from mail boxes, documents , and so on. Sometimes you don't need to scan and extract emails form the whole site but only one or list of pages. Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you. The best way to sell your products is to contact potential customers.

Did you research where your customers are on internet ? they are fritter time away on blogs, forums, websites, social networks. Sometimes you don't know where your customers sits but you might have some keywords which describe your business. Use them in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google and then extract emails from all of them. You can extract all contacts like email addresses scan files on your hard drive and extract emails.

Sometimes you have a great product/service you create and nobody knows about it. The more you advertise the better sales. Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter the site name you want to extract email addresses. Email extractor may harvest emails on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where audience is concentrated.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Familiarity with the strangest national dishes

Going to the restaurant of national cuisine - the most important part of any journey. Some cautious when tasting unfamiliar foods, avoiding anything that does not meet the taste standards of his native country, and someone is constantly looking for the most unexpected taste. This is the last will be the first useful list of the most unusual and ...

Ice cream with liquid nitrogen (London).

It is not as tasty as usual. But cooked very quickly, and even at home. Liquid nitrogen can be purchased for 50 rubles per liter, and bring to your kitchen in a tightly closed thermos. In his eyes put on safety glasses. Then, taken any ice cream mix in an enamel saucepan filled half a liter of liquid nitrogen, and very briskly stirred. In a mixture of syrup can be added. After 20 seconds of ice cream is ready. It caught ice crystals, but it is a trifle extreme. With Dewar, you can prepare fast ice directly on the beach, what they like to do at the resorts of Spain.

Rotten eggs ( China).

Duck and quail eggs are kept a couple of months in the clay, sand and salt until whites will not turn to jelly and egg yolks, in turn, will be dark green. They are usually served with noodles and rice.

Bird's nest soup (China).

This delicacy in China - the nest, consisting of the saliva of birds, which give a unique gelatin base for soup. According to their delicacy of taste quite nice.

Biscuits with wasps (Japan).

This snack is called in Japanese ... Its made ​​from black swarming wasps - the evil insects that actively hunt for grasshoppers and burrows in the ground. Cookies, baked wasps produce industrial factory in the city Omashev, 200 km from the Japanese capital. Well, in restaurants, too. A favorite dish of many Japanese is made from rice flour. Insects, first boiled in boiling water, dried and mixed with the dough. Pack of 20 crackers with wasps is about two dollars.

Snake wine ( Vietnam).

Drink a whole bottle of wine under the force of the little. The wine is made from snakes and rice wine, in the process of making an entire snake is placed in a bottle, which is then filled with wine. The wine destroys the venom, rendering it harmless to humans. Many even believe that this wine is curative.

Casu Marzu ( Italy).

Type of cheese produced in Sardinia, the most well-known by the content of the living insect larvae. Translated from the Sardinian casu marzu means ... Kazu Marci made ​​from other varieties of cheese, Pecorino Sardo. To do this, it kept the stage longer than normal fermentation, leading to a state of decay, caused by the digestive activity of the larvae of the cheese fly. Worms speed up the process of decomposition and disintegration of fat contained in the cheese, which makes the product becomes soft. The larvae are small (8 mm) worms. Being troubled, they are able to jump to a distance of 15 centimeters. For this reason, wishing to taste the Kasu Marci recommended during meals to protect your eyes. Some prefer to remove the larvae before eating, while others eat the cheese with them.

Because of the risk to health, but also because of the fact that ... On the territory of Sardinia, this prohibition is often violated, and the cheese is sold illegally. Its value is three times the price of cheese Pecorino.

Monkey brains ( Indonesia).

The brains and fingers of monkeys, deep fried - a Chinese delicacy, but in practice is now increasingly found in Indonesia.


Scottish national dish of sheep's offal (heart, liver and lungs), chopped onion, oatmeal, bacon, salt and spices and cooked in a sheep stomach. Externally, the dish looks like a stuffed animal intestines or sausage. ... ...

Fried Mars ( Scotland).

Well-known chocolate bar, fried in butter and served with fish and chips - the most popular delicacy of Scots. Chocolate bar is lowered into the batter, then fried in oil. Now this unusual product can be found in one fifth of all Scottish stores fish-and-chip, which includes the total number of 627. Nutritionists refer to these specific specialties ...

Fried spiders and spider wine ( Cambodia).

Caught spiders slowly roasted over an open fire with the addition of large amounts of salt and garlic. When the chitinous shell, in good condition black, acquires a reddish- brown hue, - the spider with a crispy ... In addition to any culinary moments spiders also good for your health. It's a treat helps to relieve back pain and cure certain diseases of the respiratory system. Spider legs, abdomen and poisonous jaws insist on rice wine - it turns dark brown turbid liquid, which raises the general tone of. This, incidentally, a favorite means of ... The best ...

Dishes from the blood ( Southeast Asia).

In South- East Asia is very popular dish which is prepared from the offal of ducks, or pigs, and served in their own blood. Also, quite often the blood is mixed with fresh milk in various proportions and is an exquisite dish. This custom existed among the Scythians, Pechenegs, Kipchaks and was in vogue among the Tatars. Since the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia preserved the phrase ... For those who understood the secrets of cooking offal, blood is a valuable raw material for preparing various tasty dishes.

Roasted guinea pigs (Colombia and Ecuador).

Guinea pigs were originally domesticated for human consumption Columbia residents. So far, they are an integral part of the diet of the inhabitants of Peru and Bolivia, especially in the highlands of the Andes. Also roasted guinea pig carcasses are served in some areas of Ecuador. This breed of pigs takes much less space than usual, less than the required power and faster breeds and thus more cost-effective. Meat is rich in the guinea pig protein, low in fat and cholesterol, and tastes like rabbit.

Cheesecake of the Crocodile (USA).

It is difficult to imagine anything more incompatible than crocodiles and creamy, soft cheese cakes. However, the artisans of the café Jacque-Imo in New Orleans ( Louisiana) came up with this recipe for savory pie, the main ingredient of which is the meat of swamp monster. Crocodile meat is very popular in Louisiana, as in this southern region they are grown on an industrial scale. And because the most profitable part of the crocodile - skin, meat sold in the markets separately, which allows the meat to turn luiziantsam this predator in a safe dish of cheese, meat and shrimp.

Chinese bitter gourd (Africa / Asia).

In this type of pumpkin contains momorditsin - a substance that gives it strength and bitterness of a rare. There are many ways to get rid of bitterness in cooking from this warty fruit. Pumpkin is salted, boiled. In Pakistan, she prepared a dish of ... As in the case of the bitter pill, bitter - so useful. In the bitter gourd contains vitamins and minerals, which reduce blood sugar levels and improve immune system.

Chicken Foot (China).

The Chinese and Japanese people just love chicken knees. The Japanese, for example, love to bake these little knees under the grill with aromatic spices. The Chinese prefer to dip them in garlic butter and fry in deep fat. It would seem that the chicken knees - it's one of those dishes where the meat drop, and the rest of the bone. In fact, it is not - there are no bones at all. This joint - the cartilage, flesh, skin and fat - you can have the entire.

Natto (soy cheese) (Japan).

Sticky, slimy and foul-smelling. To cook soybeans are boiled for a couple for six hours, then add the bacterium Bacillus subtilis and leave for a day to appear intolerable smell. After 24 hours of fermentation and ripening a week turns unappetizing, but a useful product.

Cactus ...

These cacti are common in many parts of Central and South America. Passing on these sites usually does not occur to the fact that around the food. In Mexico, they are used for making everything from breakfast, finishing with a dessert. After removal of sharp spines, the cactus can be eaten raw, baked, boiled, fried, and even ice cream. In Opuntia delicate flavor, it has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and it can be treated for diabetes.
