Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dinosaurs disappeared a few hours

In developing the latest, most accurate ever built to date, three-dimensional models of Chicxulub crater, U.S. geophysicists have established a number of previously unknown circumstances of the death of the remarkable 70% of living species on Earth.

This cataclysm occurred on the Yucatan Peninsula, that is, on the territory of modern Mexico, about 65 million years ago.

The fall of the meteorite, which resulted in the Chicxulub crater, and was the cause of extinction of most plants and animals that inhabited our planet then, including the dinosaurs. When you create a model, scientists have revised previous estimates the trajectory of a celestial object entering the Earth's atmosphere and concluded that the meteorite entered the Earth's crust is much deeper than expected. Accordingly, when it falls into the atmosphere fell by 6.5 times more water.

Amphibians are animals are not able to make a sharp rise in temperature, resulting from chemical reactions in the crater, and died. How to involve employees of the University of Texas, it happened much faster than it was customary to think of so far - just a few hours or days after the disaster. The reason for the mass death of living creatures, and have large-scale fires that erupted after the fall of the meteorite. Among the extinct dinosaurs were.

The reaction between sulfur deposits on the walls of the crater and turned the water into steam continued and led to the formation of sulfate aerosols, which, in turn, produced a devastating impact on the biosphere of the Earth: significantly lowered the temperature of the air and began to cause heavy and prolonged acid rain.

According to the head of research geophysicist Sean Gulick and his colleagues, the fall of the meteorite has led to irreversible climatic changes due to the imbalance emerged after the acid in the atmosphere and oceans. Increase in its acidity, scientists believe caused the extinction of most species of marine life. Survived only by those who were characterized by pH -stability.

However, researchers do not tend to think of the fall of a meteorite 65 million years ago, the only reason for the mass extinction of living creatures on the planet. According to them, I say a particular combination of environmental factors acting in a long time after the disaster.

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News from Skypecine. com.

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