Sunday, May 13, 2012

And once again about reading

Tomorrow parent meeting in the class 4b. How to find a word for parents is not just about the benefits of reading about the need to share? . A wonderful article by Marina Aromshtam, Chapter. Editor of ' Preschool education ' is called 'Three variations on the theme of children's reading '. Many of the faithful thought, backed by stunning examples and comparisons. For example: ' We are witnessing a very interesting process of the present - go read, especially the reading of classic and highly artistic literature, in the discharge. elite. Occupation. In this golden key to the secret door into the world of reading lies not in the teacher's pocket, in your pocket. parent reading. '.
Or here (referring to the fact that many parents after the child learns to read, stop to read it yourself): ... Two processes - listen to your reading and read the most - have very different objectives and are based on quite different mechanisms. You're not going to encourage your child to walk many kilometers the route, citing the fact that he had already taken the first steps? '. Indeed, and speak at a crowded meeting, too, no one can make a child solely on the basis of what he has learned to speak. The advantage of this paper is the fact that the game offers several methods for imparting. love of reading.

I will have more than once watched as their parents after the collaborative activities, unreadable kids start walking to the library. And today, have come those who on Saturday for the first time with their parents were at our club. Of course, I picked up and said to each word of approval, admiration for their work. And you know, the first time in three years, I saw a smile Artem.

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